Well, Come to think of it… it’s only fair that the fella’s should do one too!!!
We won’t get our kits off if you lot dont!!! Minimal anyway!
Oh and Sam, I had already replyed before i saw your Nonember request, sorry honey… I’m sure the way that this is going, there will more than one girl per month… not a problem…
With Michelle? (M9) Gutters not FIRST place to look…toilet springs to mind !! oops…sorry Mich!..only jesting !! (thats for nicking me keys and turning off me bike!)
Right so im Miss December weve got a September (Tricksie) weve got TWO Miss Septembers (nice one the mind boggles on that one)…and is that IT??? Come on ladies !! We can take our bikes to a track, and drape ourselves, clothed,unclothed,part clothed, whatever…if theres more than one “Miss” then we take pics of 2 bikes draped round the 2 of ya! (err, that should be other way round…you two draped round yer bikes, and if one hasnt got a bike, then drape round someone elses!)…Come on…where are ya? Paivi, dont you want us all to see you draped round your Duchess? Andrea, dont you want to drape round your R6? AbbeyJ dont you want us to see you with your latest addition? Scarer, where are ya ?? (Foxy, Me and Tricksie are prepared to drape)…hee hee
If the blokes are gonna do a calendar I would be more then happy to get my fat gut out, but can I do January or February so if I have to do a shot in pants I can use the excuse it was cold
Blokes one month, girls the next, then we can have group shots which won’t be as tacky/offensive/embarrassing as single posses. I don’t fancy co-ed shots, although if we get some of the blokes in on this, they’ll just make us girls look even more fab!
Anyway, I’m up for it, although the site of my pale bits will have you lot in therapy for decades to come!