I’m not sure whether this is the right forum to ask this in, but I’ll give it a go anyway!
Has anyone ever transported a bike from London to “oop norf”, e.g. Manchester? If so, do you have any recommendations re companies that will do this? I’ve had quotes from between £150 to £200.
Cheers! Speedy responses will be very much appreciated!
You would find it cheaper to hire a van and do it yourself if you are not going to ride it. Either that, or find a nice person with a van that will do it for you at cost.
I’m not too fussed re costs because I’m not paying for it I don’t have the time to do it myself as I’ll be moving loads of other rubbish by car, so I ideally wanted to set off at the same time the bike did and arrive just beforehand.
Hmm… has my bike got a towbar? Er… pass. I feel like a numpty now!
The thing is… I’m being relocated by work, so they’re paying relocation costs. I don’t want to put the 250miles on my bike as it’s not a ride for pleasure, so I figure I can get a firm to do it and work picks up the bill. I’m already planning on driving all my stuff up there, so I don’t want to spend a whole week on the M6, give or take a few hours
Hence asking whether anyone knows of any good bike transport firms.
Thanks for all the suggestions tho, they’ve certainly got me thinking! If anyone does think of any good firms they could suggest, please direct the names this way
I would imagine the removal company would take it with all your other stuff? Ask’em you might be surprised. Provided it can be secured in the truck I can’t see them objecting.