Bike Test questions...

I’m looking to do my big bike test by April, and someone is offering my the Theory and Hazard Perception DVD from 2008-2009.

Is it still relevant?


-More questions on the test to come! :smiley:

in all respects i think they should be the same i think the only true change that came about was the required number of answers needed changed … and any new driving laws/rules tyhat have changed since then … but im sure others will have a more definite answer

Thanks, I want to get learning asap, so the 2008-2009 set will do for now I suppose :smiley:

I just past my theory 2 months ago using the same discs and they where fine.Doing my Das in march.
Good luck

So long as “offering” means “for free” … otherwise save your cash and get down to your local library :wink:

Make sure they are for the motorcycle test, as they are different to the car test.

I have the DVD’s if anyone wants em !

lots of luck guys ,i think once your riden for a wile you know most of the theory.i had alot of fun doing mine as it was the first bit of group riding ive done.i have a wraped dvd for hasard perseption if any one wants one

Good luck Placebo…theory should be very easy. What bike are you gonna get once you passed?

I see the questions were updated in September 09 (they usually get reviewed each year) and a new edition of the theory questions has been published by DSA. However, I doubt much will ahve changed, just be prepared for one or two questiosn that won’t have been included on the practice disk etc you have if it is the 08/09 version.

They have added a case study question.

Hang on, the one for cars is different to bikes?
Of course it is… I’m so silly.

Cancels download

I’m getting the “hazard perception and theory” test here… those are different for bikes?

@ Ottomanslap - I want a KTM of some sort, but people keep advisingme against it… I’m open to suggestions!

Yep both the theory and hazard perception is tailored for each test.

As for the bike what you want? Single, twin, triple, four cylinders? Sports, sports tourer, traditional, Supermoto, tourer, enduro, adventure?
What size engine?

Grab a copy of What Bike, it’s published four times a year I think and covers bikes and scooters. Grab a copy and have a browse.

Im not sure what I want Kevsta :smiley:
I like the idea of a supermoto being versatile and rugged. I will probs go for that or sports.

Looking at around a 600cc engine, no preference on what type.

Looking for something around £2.5K second hand, at most.

Will lookout for What Bike :smiley:

If your looking at second use autotrader’s website, and what you can do is stick in the max price, age, and then you can narrow it by make and model.

That’ll give you an idea of what you’d get for your budget.

i think you can get a better deal on ebay rather than auto trader ive seen some really nice bikes sell for cheap.

Thanks for the advice Kev, looks like I might be able to get what I want for that price!

Sell my bike for as much as I can… I should be able to roll by this time next year, if not by summer. All that is really holding me back is the money.

Agreed, but the narrowing process on eBay is not as good as Autotrader. But yes there are some bargains to be had on eBay, I got my first bike off there.

My first, and current bike came off ebay.

Perhaps one of the SuperMotards on here will be selling theirs by the time I have the money and licence :smiley:

Good luck Dr P. I passed my theory test in August this year. I found this site very helpful. Good luck. :smiley: