my mate ,had his bike safe from the ace on the 17/12/05, and from no faullt of his own was knocked off with another fella with him doing the bike safe, ask the coppers at the ace, they will tell u, will try get some pics up of Bills brand new R1 , its destroyed, he was lucky to walk away ???

sorry to hear that. hope they are feeling better and get well soon!.

how did it happen?.

car came over brow of hill on wrong side of road, stood no chance, head on, both fellas ok, very very lucky !!!

did they get the b@stard?

And it sounds like they had the perfect witness behind them as well…

Glad they’re ok…

Jesus Christ! What’s going on, it’s the season for accidents at the moment!! head-on? Sounds like the guys were VERY, very lucky indeed to walk away. Luckier still they were with the bikesafe guys, talk about instant Police response!

Poor bikes I hope the driver gets strung up!

Bl*ody Hell, what a nightmare. Very glad to hear they were okish.

We lost a rider a couple of weeks ago, young chap on an R6 going to work. It was at the end of my road, mad me so sad. Chap was known locally and was a customer of Incy (who joined here recently)

Look after yourselfs out there people.

Thats just unbelievable!

Am lost for words, how can cage drivers be so f*ckin stupid?

I am not clear if both guys were on the bike safe at the time. I hope they are both ok and that the person responsible (Or should that be irresponsible, given that he was on the wrong side of the road on the brow of a hil and was no doubt overtaking) gets thier just desserts.

I hope we don’t take this as a slight on the bike safe course which is still an excelent course which I heartily recomend I hope to do mine next year.

Oh my GOD!!! Glad to hear they are ok, espcialy after an acident like that.

Hope they get him good.

heard about this on the ducatisti site - teh other guy Tony has a 996 and bore the brunt of the mondeo that was involved

blummin good to hear that they managed to walk away from that one, even it was with a bit of a limp

guess you have to respect the safety gear huh?

Sad to hear and glad to hear, if you know what I mean. Hope the driver gets charged!

Sorry to hear it, but so glad that both riders are “OK”, could not have better witnesses , by the sounds of it, it could have been a lot worse!!!

One of my best friends was taken out in the summer, he lost his leg, in a similar accident, CID Police was driving behind and saw it all, driver got convicted of driving without care and attention. The driver tried to blame my mate but he soon changed his story when he realised there was police witnesess. Here is the best one, his excuse " I was late and in a hurry to get home to watch Footie"

Get well soon guys !!

Glad to hear there both ok and it just makes you see how vunreble we are! If only the idiots in cars understood that!

I was coming home from my nans just this afternoon and people were cutting each other up like crazy and there were quite a few crashes as well on the way!

Well it’s crap news, the guys are safe, but it’s still crap. “Lucky”? Depends on how you define luck!

I’ve been watching this thread waiting to hear some news of the culprit.???
So what’s happening?