With it being Bike week and the bike to work day on Wednesday. I’m left wondering where people are to park. This morning it took me 40 minutes to find an empty spot. On my travels around Barkely square I noticed they had blanket ticketed about 30 bikes. According to one p’d off owner they put the suspended signs up this morning after the bay was almost full - Bloody outrages if it’s true. Does any body have an address for the Westminster council to which I can vent my frustrations at the lack of bike parking?
64 victoria street, london sw1e 6qp
fao parking unit
Or look’em up online…
Got to say this highlights a poor attitudetowards bikers considering it’s Bike Week is Bike week supported by TFL? might be worth asking for an opinion from them on the closure…
Hi there CBRDan , i fond this site a help.
http://www.parkingforbikes.com/ try it out…
Matt could invite them to explane their opinion on that in the Podcast this week?
I work on Berkeley Sq. If you arrive much after 8 am all three bike parks are full. Try Farm street, just behind B Sq between Hill St and Mount St.
Good luck
Another thread on Berkley Sq - http://londonbikers.com/forums/shwmessage.aspx?ForumID=35&MessageID=88017
Most useful site, especially as I shall be parking somewhere new tomorrow evening and didn’t know where the bike parks were.