bike knocked over - worth chasing?

if it was my bike i would be down the shop getting a quote for any scratches on the bike, then report it get his insurance details and claim for it.

I had this happen and decided to call the coppers about it. They confirmed I was definitely right to call them as its apparently a form of hit and run, so they’ll be looking to follow it up.

Good luck with it!

What Andy said:)


report it, IF NOTHING COMES OF IT, at least the cage owner will get some hassle and make him think next time!! tw*t!

Damn right m8, get going on this.

you have an independant witness so cant see how you will lose.

As suggested go report it as an accident giving em all the details etc.

Cant see how you would get details to see if they will settle otherwise except for going insurance route unless was works vehicle and had number on side, now that would be even better cos you can claim from company and does not matter which of there vehicles/drivers it was.

Are you a gixerjunkie too?

I am phantomgixer… Give me a nod when passing :wink:

:smiley: Excellent quote!

If it was me and the person had left a note I would let it go in all probability, but some people need to be taught how to take responsibility for their actions so report him and let him be reminded when his insurance comes up for renewal.

Get a quote for any damage (however small) and ask the police to forward it to the driver. You might get enough for a couple of track days:D:D

REPORT!REPORT!REPORT! And if you do get the address tell them your friends from the Hells Angels MC are dying to meet them!:cool:

Wait and see if he parks in your road again, and beat seven shades of sh*t out of him. :DBut probably best just to report it. :wink:

Alright, so I called the cops and asked what to do. They said come to the station and we’ll give you a form to fill.

Went there the next day, got the form, was told to fill it in and bring it back later, which I stupidly did (should have filled it in on the spot).

Returned (visit #2) the form a few days later only to be told they needed proof of my insurance etc too. I was on foot so didn’t happen to have my documents with me. So I had to come back.

Visit #3 was successful - the Accident Self-Reporting Form (or something like that) was successfully completed and I’m supposed to be hearing from them sometime this century.

I didn’t claim for damages as the bike is only on green card right now (European-wide 3rd party coverage) and that means I’m not entitled to any. Plus the fact that I was damn lucky and the bike fell on sand bags, it was covered etc - no noticeable damage from a quick inspection, which given the insurance situation is good enough for me.

The plate to look out for is Y819 TGN

Will let you know if anything comes out of it.

Im sure there’s a few people on here that could get an address based on the reg - if you get no joy through the proper channels then you could exact revenge :stuck_out_tongue:



You can also apply to the DVLA on the basis of the accident and they will tell you the drivers details. You’re lucky to have a helpful neighbour.

I would defintely claim on their insurance, why should you have scratches on your bike because of somebody elses selfish and thoughtless actions

I guess the moral of the story is to place sandbags around your bike whenever you park up!:smiley:

Update on how the story ended: Police said they identified the guy, apparently was a pastor/priest of some sort, gave him a warning but did not charge with anything.

End of that story.

(you know, I logged in after donkeys years because my bike was knocked over again - apparently more violently this time because it was on the double stand and still I found it completely out of position… different neighbourhood, but this time it fell on a car, whose owner is now asking me for damages. Was away for work all week and just got back into London to find this. No witnesses. Broken indicator, perhaps other tidbits. Forgot to put sandbags all around it this time… Poo.)

Wow, how unlucky can you get! My sympathies.

Not sure how the other car can get you for any damages - you weren’t there and your bike was stationary (and chained!)

The quanity of wankers in this world told me I always need a garage :angry:

You say the original culprit was a priest…ummm

Have you ever considered that your bike might be haunted?

maybe the priest was trying to exorcise the bike and as the demon leapt out the bike fell on it’s side…maybe the priest even foresaw this and placed the sandbags to protect the purged vehicle…

it could be that the evil spirit has returned after all these years…

so now you know what you need to do…

Yes that’s right! track down the priest and get him to do it properly this time. :slight_smile: