Dear all, as some of you know I have a dedicated facebook page which I set up back in 2008 for people to report their stolen bikes in London and Greater London area. In the last 2 years I have invited officers from 7 different police stations around London to join up this page and monitor it from time to time in case they come across a stolen bike and might be able to recogize the particular details left on that page by the victims.
The facebook page is on this link:!/groups/30789069615/
However the reason for this post is to make you all aware of a very serious and nasty bike jack theft that took place in Bromley July 19th 2012 and the poor guy has posted on that page yesterday.
Here is his report:
Mike Dorothy Lambrou I was Bike jacked on the 19/7/12 @ 1730 by two riders on a moped. I was riding from Bromley to Selsdon in south greater London. The two lads on a scooter followed me for over 4 miles before they attacked me kicking and punching me for over 2 min to give them the keys. They never got the keys bust still took off with the bike. I was too winded to do anything else. The bike is a 08 Red Honda Fireblade with a two brothers racing exhaust. I know these things are replacealbe but anyone who is a biker knows what its like to have your bike just as you want it for some tosser to just take it. Not to mention the £500 excess.
I would like to get the bike back hence hitting the social media sites. If anyone can find the bike the money i would of paid out on the excess its yours. Better still if you can find the two assholes responsible i will give you front seats to watch me cut them up with my chainsaw. as the police are becoming powerless in protecting us its time to show the thieving gits a lesson and a deterrent on what will happen to you in the future.
Yesterday at 17:45 · "}’>LikeUnlike · 2
Mike Dorothy Lambrou Frame no JH2SC59A58M004436
Engine No SC59E2004423
Yesterday at 17:50 · "}’>LikeUnlike
Dayem Pasha Sorry for your loss. Id keep an eye out. Best of luck
Yesterday at 18:35 via Mobile · "}’>LikeUnlike
Beata Szukala-Doroz Nice bike, really sorry to hear your story, good luck,fingers crossed and I hope you will find it…
Yesterday at 18:45 via Mobile · "}’>LikeUnlike
Francesco Camardo Mike I am terribly sorry that this has happened to you. Did you check if there was any CCTV camera in the vicinty of the accident, although you do not believe in the police, have you reported the accident? Was your bike Datatagged at all? One thing I recommend to all riders is to invest in both a DATATAG and a Tracker see details on this link:
Motorcycle tracking & Security Systems - TRACKER
Secure your motorbike with a motorcycle tracking system from the UK expert in stolen vehicle recovery - TRACKER
Yesterday at 19:43 · "}’>LikeUnlike ·
Leon Allen ****, that is not far from were I live, stealing a bike is one thing but to be jacked like that is taken the piss, I hope the stealers die a horrible death and good luck in getting your bike back I will keep my eyes peeled.
Yesterday at 21:03 · "}’>LikeUnlike
Questo Sono Io Did they actually followed you home? And without key, how did they managed to get the bike?
21 hours ago · "}’>LikeUnlike
Mike Dorothy Lambrou The police were called by 11 people at the same time. They took a thorough statement from me and all the witnesses. The bike wasn’t datataged just the Honda averto alarm system.
When I saw them go for the keys and failed I stopped the bike took the keys and ran. They blocked my path with there bike so I couldn’t go anywhere. It was seconds b4 the jumped on me. I was unable to get the steering lock on. After a couple of min of trying to get the keys off me neighbours started coming out of the houses, that’s when they gave up. One scumbag on my bike and the other following him on the scooter with his leg out pushing my bike by the pillion foot peg. They never spoke to one another they had it all rehearsed propped professional job.
11 hours ago via Mobile · "}’>LikeUnlike
Francesco Camardo Bad luck, lets hope your bike is found.
11 hours ago · "}’>LikeUnlike
Mike Dorothy Lambrou Thanks will let you if they do. Now just have the usual fight with one insurance company as they try to avoid paying out for anything.
11 hours ago via Mobile · "}’>LikeUnlike
Francesco Camardo Make sure you list EVERY aftermarket part that was fitted to the bike, if any with supporting receipt, you are entitled to include those in your claim. You know things like yoshimura exhausts or any other trick part.
10 hours ago · "}’>LikeUnlike
Francesco Camardo I see your pic show a nice carbon White Brothers exhaust system if I am not mistaken, that counts too.
10 hours ago · "}’>LikeUnlike
Mike Dorothy Lambrou Yeah list done just need the battle to start on Monday.
10 hours ago via Mobile · "}’>LikeUnlike