This bike has been in the bay for about a week now.
It’s strange that it’s covered, but also strange that there are ground anchors in this bay, and it is not chained to one.
This bike has been in the bay for about a week now.
It’s strange that it’s covered, but also strange that there are ground anchors in this bay, and it is not chained to one.
maybe lidl didn’t have the chain when they bought the cover?
I don’t see your point?
I wouldn’t bother chaining a P reg naked suzuki bandit
But I always use a cover parking in bays.
Im more shocked the bay has anchors !
Like rockinghorse poop !
Thats kewl the bay has those. Why are we advertising an unattended bike on the internet though? :[
This bike has gone this morning.
One of the reasons that I posted, is because, of all the bikes that have gone missing, what do people always say. Go and have a look at bikes in bays with covers on.
Hence the post, and the remark that it is a non residential, and it is not locked.
Camden council have started installing anchors in their bays as a trial on about 5 bays. They want to see if it reduces the amount of bikes that disappear.
Whilst it makes sense to use one as an individual, I can’t see how it will make much difference to the overall amount of bike thefts, if people are out looking for bikes to nick & yours is chained up to an anchor they’ll just go lift one that isn’t instead, there’s plenty to choose from.
Of course if everyone used them it’d be a different story, but from what I’ve noticed even in bays with bars/anchors provided, way less than half of the bikes parked up actually use them.
What a strange thing to say…some people might “only” have a P reg bandit and but be just as unhappy to lose it as somebody with something newer??
I think it was more to let us know that the bike had been identified more than anything.
There is a bike that I know about that has been in the same place since november. Last night I think a bus knocked it over, so I have now reported it to the police.