This is a friend from work up in Yorkshire forgetting that 300kg of bike isn’t so good with road tyres in the mud Made me chuckle!
Love the way the other riders sent him off to scout. Well done for picking the thing up.
You kinda just have to laugh reali
y is my laptop gay and doesnt let me see pictures??1?!?!?!?!?!?
He’s got his knee down though
Hmmm in a straight line too…
What you reckon…
Too slow
Too fast
into the pond?
I reckon too slow
Too wet. Should’ve gone for the “up sh!t creek under-seat paddle”. I’m sure I’ve seen it listed in the BMW parts list.
thats beemers for ya, hed be better get some stabilisers…
Boorman did that sort of stuff easily, your mate must be a crap rider.