Best way to build my own website

I have got broadband with Pipex now as far as I know I get free web space to use. I will have to check that out. Now what I really want to know is the best way to build it. I know very basic html but I will have to buy one of those books for dummies to brush up on my skills. However, I used to use Dreamweaver when doing site updates at my old work. I know html is the simpliest code but would it be best to start with html? Or use dreamweaver?

Oh so you have Pipex broadband do you, with “your” own free webspace

Oh yeah I do. Just like you had a free pc for 6 years

Ohhhhh, handbags it is, I was just pointing it out who pay the bills for some fun Jeeze your hard work sometimes But seeing as its getting personal I do believe that its my PC your using now

It’s ok cause my pc pnly cost me 1100 when I was only earning 10k a year. Yours was only 400 and your loaded beyond belief.

Your hard work too

I believe that brains my good man!! Thats why I’ll be earning the fat bucks

Ahhhh brotherly love

Clever that you are.

Didn’t I go to pc world and buy it for you too?

I believe that is yet another example to prove my point. Want a bigger shovel

As has been said, Dreamweaver is an application that help you put html pages together. If you like it and know how to use it, them go ahead and use it, there’s nothing wrong with it. Don’t bother buying a book, just ask a question on here and you’ll get an answer quick enough. Jave Script can be used to do some cool stuff, but it depends on what your building as to where it’s of any use to you. Again, ask a question and you’ll get the info needed to sort it out. I’d be very surprised if “your” free space would allow you to put .asp or .aspx pages on the net. These are server side technologies and used for building data driven sites, in general. But again if your interested ask the question.

You will probably find that your host (pipex) will provide a few cgi scripts that allow you to do a few things like have a guest book, convert form data to email, etc. these script should have hepl files that will talk you thought useing them. funnily enough if you have any problems ask and you’ll get an answser.

If you see some part of a site you like, view the source and copy the html. if you don’t know what a tag does look it up in google. The internet will tell you how to do it, brilliant.

Good luck and enjoy

Sorry, in response to your question “Best way to build my own website?” is get someone else to do it

From the sounds of it, supermofo, hows your HTML

A good place to learn html is for upload & stuff I use smartftp - nothing wrong with wysiwyg editors like Creamweaver etc. As has been pointed out already i’d be suprised if free space lets you do anything like asp etc. Also be aware that some free hosting can have tight transfer limits - which is a right royal pain in the ar$e if you plan to put videos there.

I’m going to highjack your thread for a minute. take a look at this

It’s the launch web site for a new jag, dull i know, but the style your exterior under see it is just amazing. As you spin the car around you can see the reflection of the house in the panels, even when you change the colour.

It’s a shameless promotion as I work to the company that built it, though I’ve not worked on this site. I really admire the skill of the guys that have build it.

Yeah right, I’m a clueless monkey

zx6rj2-yellow, Dreamweaver is as good a way as any to get some help with learning to construct pages, think about design and publishing your work to a site. I learnt it much like you did (except this was about 13 years ago; god was it that long ago…), by hacking together some basic pages in a text editor and publishing them on my free dialup hosting space. Hrm, this must make me an Internet Grandad.

After I learnt the basics, I began to think more about design, so started using tools that aided development. Back in the hayday it was programs like HoTMetaL, Netscape Composer, later on was Frontpage Express, then Macromedia hit the scene and blew everyone away with Dreamweaver.

When I build sites professionally, I don’t touch an editor, it’s all done by hand, writing out the HTML. Though with time you start thinking in X/HTML and it all becomes very easy. With web-design, simpler is better, so don’t get side-tracked by fancy components or javascript funkyness. Presentation is everything.

Now it’s certainly not the best, but if you are a relative/complete HTML novice, like me, something that completely removes that side of things may be the way to go.

I don’t really have the time to start learning all that stuff, so I used MS-Publisher that came with my MS-Office suite. I wouldn’t buy it specially - it is pretty pants by all accounts - but it is very visual and therefore easy to use. As Jay rightly points out, simple is best and fancy stuff best left to those who know it and can keep it fresh.

I have done all my site this way, and should I need to, I can edit the HTML once it is uploaded via my hoster.

Sounds like a cool idea Andrew. I don’t seem to have publisher. Any idea how much it is?

Check your disks, I had to install mine specially. Thought I’d got FrontPage but Publisher is ok for me at this stage.

If you’ve gotta invest, prob buying something a little more competent. I think Frontpage has a drag 'n drop interface as well as a more powerful HTML editor (Jay - guys ?) but may cost more

Most hosting providers will have an online web building service - limited options and layout but will get you off the ground. And they’ll be free with hosting service.

I use and their’s is ok. Also, people like Yahoo have a more limited thing, but that’s really for old people too addled to handle something ‘proper’.

You can prob get a decent deal on Publisher02 nowadays. I think the earlier ones are even more limited than mine (the 02/XP version). Get google / tucows / on the job.

More like Internet Jesus, hehe.