BCW / Re-Shuffle


Due to the fact that I am in no fit state to ride the Breast Cancer Weekend Routes and others being unavailable the allocation of positions has been changed (confirmed with Aviva) and are as follows.

The original Crew Captains on the day were Macp and Cezar.

They are now Macp and Matt due to Cezar not being able to make it and Matt having the experience of Alternative Route Planning. (France/ TomTom.)

The original Village Liason was Matt. (All Questions/Information/Londonbikers/Aviva and Village Allocation).

It is Now Christine (Lady Pillion) as she has booked to be on the Village and had originally planned to be there for the duration and other long standing members wanting to ride the two days.

The Rolling Stewards remain the same (Charlie and Topgooner / Macp and Matt) riding between Points and Stop Stations equiped with Paramedic Bike / TomTom and will arrange Point Relief and First Aid Attention for anybody that needs it including Runners and Walkers.

I will be at the Role Call in Greenwich Park to help with the initial arrangements and then I,ll be travelling to Finsbury Park with the Staff from Aviva and Breakthrough where Central Dispatch will be based and will take the roll of Dispatcher for the two days needed. I will be in constant contact with the Rolling Stewards/Crew Captains and pass information to the Crews through them.

The Format on over the both days will be that the Team amassed by Jeremy Hill at RadoBank (approx 12 Riders) will be incorporated in to our Teams.

Teams meaning that we will be broken down in to Mini Crews and allocated Points on the Route to attend.(reasons for this is that the Radobank Team didnt get the chance to get together and attend Cubana when the packs were given out so they will rely on our members to instruct them.

The whole Format and Planning for the two day coverage will be explained at the Role Call in Greenwich Park and any questions will be answered by the Crew Captains.

Any Worries, Alternative Arrangements or Problems then feel free to Email, Phone (out of hours number in original thread) or PM me.

Not long now and lets make sure we have a “Safe” and “Enjoyable” two days in the spotlight which you all deserve.

Thank You…

“Edit”…Those of you that have registered for this can you please pm me your Mobile Phone Numbers as Im going to need them over the two days for Emergency Contact reasons.

(Aviva / Insurance)

I,I, cap’n

Really loking forward to it Barro.

It’s gonna be a cracking couple of days.

Count on it mate…

Just to clarify our role for the 2 days to clear up any confusion as to what people will be doing.

We are manning the various crossing points, helping the walkers to cross safely. When you’re put in your mini teams you will be advised what points you need to be at and when. You won’t be at the same place all day we will move you around. You will be riding from crossing point to point when the time comes for you to move on.

As crew we’re expected to motivate the walkers - we’ll see them along the route so if we see anyone flagging it’s up to us to pep them up a bit!

As far as the evening arrangements are concerned we will be camping in tents (2 to a tent) provided by Aviva. Now when you registered for the event you should have recieved a pack - and it’s all explined in there, if you didn’t get a pack you should contact Aviva if you want one or look on the website for this info.
One of the reasons we have to get there so early on Saturday - apart from the safety video is to book in. We will get our tent and tent partner (if you want to share with someone book in together). When we arrive at Finsbury you pitch your tent and get some grub!
The camp itself has hot showers - hot food - sinks toilets etc however there is no electrical points for hairdryers etc.
As far as what to bring is concerned you’ll need a sleeping bag and kip mat and a wash bag and towel - change of clothes and something to doss around in on Saturday night in camp.
When you sign in we’ll get an id badge which will give us access to the feeding stations etc - however I’d suggest bringing some snacks with you too if you want and a water bottle!
Sunday will be a repeat of Saturday manning crossing points and motivating.
We will not be walking long distances!!!
So as Barro says on the Saturday morning you’ll find out exactly where you will be. There is no point doing that now as you’l forget and need reminding on the day!

Any admin points will be covered Saturday morning for now can we all just concentrate on bringing some kit and turning up - the rest will be explained on the day!

So any questions about what we’ll be doing ask either myself or Barro - don’t guess or speculate - just ask either Barro or me.

Not long now…

I feel this may be a really stupid question, but what time do we actually have to be at Finsbury Park on the Saturday morning for?

Also, what happens if the person you want to share a tent with is camping the Saturday night, but not doing the Saturday day time? Can I point this out to Aviva when I register?


Finsbury Park is your over night location !!!

You will need to be at GREENWICH PARK for no later than 05.00am,

This is where the Runners and Walkers are starting from and thats where you will be briefed on the safety aspects of the day and dispatched from.

At the end of the day you will all arrive at Finsbury Park together to be directed to your secure parking area, where to pitch, where to eat and where to party by our on village contact “Christine” (lady pillion rider).

All clear now ?.

Yes, boss!

I’m going to ride the route this weekend so I’ve got it clear in my head. If anyone wants to join in, I’ll probably be doing it on Sunday at some point (time is negotiable!) as I’m going to the Kill Spills Rally on Saturday.

Do we need to carry our sleeping bags / wash kit / clothes with us during the day or is there somewhere to drop em off … just wondering on whether to through on my tail pack ?

I’ll join you on that one!

I think it would be good if we are prepared in ours minds the route which has been set out for the event. You name a time and a meet place and i’ll be there.

I still haven’t recieved my pack yet, so i will give Aviva a ring as the postal service in my area is poop and things arrive extremely late or not at all.

Drop Kit at Greenwich Baz…

I,ll arrange delivery at Finsbury via the coaches that the Aviva Staff are using.

Im sure you will be given a pack on the day if you havent had one through the post


thanks. do you know what is contained in the pack?

A Hard Hat, Parachute, Two Cheese Sarnies and a Can of Drink, An Odd Sock, Emergency Gallon of Petrol and Three Flavoured Condoms !

Bump !

I’m going to ride the route this Sunday with Sincere and FlyBy if anyone would like to tag along with us. We’re meeting at the start point at 12pm. Drop me a PM if you want to come along and I’ll give you my mobile number in case.

not forgetting a map made from silk in case you’re caught by the germans.

I might be able to tag along with you guys…would like to get to know the route before hand! I’ll let you know Saturday evening

Hey guys, just to let you know that I have spoken to Lorna at BCW and she says that she can’t understand why some of the packs haven’t reached you yet and some have. Anyway, Lorna has asked if you HAVEN’T received your pack to call her and she will get them re-sent out asap.

I’ll be joining Keti and her trusty sat-nav for a ride around the route to get familiar with junctions, landmarks, places etc at 12pm Sunday in Greenwich and it would be good if we could have a little rabble of BCW Lbers.

See you Sunday
