Battery replaced & fitted, but now another problem . . . .

Have replaced and fitted the battery, and the bike now starts perfectly!

In the prcoess of putting the riders seat back on to the bike, I have managed to snap the head off the bolt that holds the seat in place.

I can now lift the seat off the bike withou any issues. Great for maintainence, crap for security!

Any ideas on the best way to remove a broken bolt, as I wanna come out and play on saturday!



Get down to a motor factors and get yourself something like this

is it just the head that has snapped off ? if it is, you should be able to get some mole grips on what’s left to turn it.If it’s snapped flush, then you’ll need to extract it with an easy-out or summat or drill it.
At least it’s in a nice accessible place…

Im saying nuffin mate…and you wanna come to FRANCE ??? :smiley:

I will come to France, just dont let me try and fix any bikes!

If you have a bit of bolt still sticking out, file a flat on one side and use Mole grips.

If its flush you may be able to tap it round with a small punch.

Failing that you need to drill the middle of the bolt out with ever increasing diameter drills.

Or, Gaffa tape the seat on;):cool:

Or, Gaffa tape the seat on;):cool:
its a kwaka so that would be an improvement :smiley:

Too small for that i think - gonna try and find a bolt remover (halfrauds), if not gonna start drilling!

Chris, you are a liability:D

is that a posh word for…useless t**t ?? :smiley: