Barcelona mountain twisties again

Here’s my latest effort.

I’m improving with my reading of corners and looking ahead IMO.

Found an ‘off road’/ ‘dirt track’ route and just followed it.

Let me know what you think.

PS. if anyone has a decent action camera for sale, I might be interested :wink:


You’re no riding these roads!



was that a sports bike parked on that offroad bit? He must have had fun… :smiley:

I might have a goproHD for sale if ur keen. £200. incl the mem card and mountings :slight_smile:

I dont use it as much as I can anymore. got bored of it now

Probably got PR3’s :smiley:

@ Serrisan - almost; it was a 125, possibly an old CBR125 or a copy of some kind.
To be honest though, I was reluctant to call it an ‘off road’ part of the vid, instead preferring ‘dirt-track’ as it was nothing special and the pathways had actually been trated to some coverage rather than just being trails or river beds etc.
I want to do some proper 'laning, but need a guide who is willing to take along a newbie on Diablo SuperCorsas.

@ Jaime - thanks for the offer; would you do a part X for a set of leathers and or a new textile jacket (see my sig for details) :wink:

Part 2 coming up…

here it is: