Pulled in the anal entrance to the Ace this morning (as it was a car day)
Pretty rammed but there was one space next to a Harley by the fence, which we aimed for. In the space is sitting a guy in a chair. Julie hops off, and asks pleasantly,
“Excuse me would you mind moving your chair over a little bit”
“Wed like to park there so we dont block anyone in”
“There`s a whole car park over there go park in that”
“That`s reserved for cars at the moment” (It was full of cars)
Tosser turns away and stays seated. So we blocked in a few bikes and apologised.
Thought bikers had some cameraderie, maybe you`re not a biker just a wanabee tossing shi+bag, proper bikers show common decency not aggressive uncalled for nastyness.
Some people can be so pathetic. Its not like you asked him to bend over and take it up the wrongun…although thinking about it maybe you should have rammed ya front wheel into his arse crack and then he’d be a lot nicer next time!