B@$t@rd birds!

Got hit by a kamikazi phesant today at about 70-80mph. It hit me and not the bike thankfully, killed the bugger by all accounts but it gave me a dead arm!

So anyone else been trying to cull the local wildlife?

I just had a 110 mph double bird strike. Was on the A3** and two sparrows came out of the hedgerow more intend on their spring activities than road safety.

One hit my left arm one hit my right. luckily they were just flying mice so bounced off me in a flurry of feathers and dead wings.

Dang, Highside, you were lucky dude. those things can get pretty big. I’ve bounced june bugs off the knee cap before that left bruises. Can’t imagine a pheasant.

It wasn’t to bad, Won’t be trying it agin to soon though. Could have been a lot worse if I had taken it in the chest.

My mate nutted a seagull once, that was quite funny.

Wasted a pigeon on my lid - that was v messy…

http://www.biggusonline.co.uk/spitefuljack check out the bunny action with the yellow blade in the “rideout” video…about 6 mins into the vid…

I knew there had to be a good reason why I live in London!

I,ll have it if ya still got it…!!!

I do a mental sauce and seared !

I nearly hit some old african geezer with a walking stick last year as i swerved round a bus does that count???


Pigeon also flew into my head once… not actually in it of course… but it bounced off my lid, leaving a good smear of guts and shit on my neck and jacket. I was doing about fifty and it was like getting a good smack round the head, probably ‘cause it was… Anyway the bird flew from my right and when I turned round to see what happened to it, I thought I’d see it off to what would have been my left, but it had actually bounced back to where it had come from and I found it in the gutter, all its guts hangin’ out like bad spagetti. Now I always duck…

I have killed a Squirrel! Not a comon one, my neighbour used to feed this one in the mouth… He was called Teco and was very kute and friendly… I was leaving my house and he came running towards the bike. I was almost stoped when Teco hit my exaust with his head… He still running for a while and the did mortal jump in the air and droped dead… I haven’t told the neighbour and it was hard braken leasten to him wissle for Teco every afternoon for weeks on the back garden…


my neighbour used to feed this one in the mouth…

as opposed to feeding its arse!!! cezar man you crack me up

Cezar, the grey ones are rats with big tails!!!

Hard braken? I think you mean heart breaking, Cezar Funny, lol…

Dont hitting birds at them speeds knock u off course a bit lol

I havent hit one yet but they kept me awake last nite when i was trying to sleep

I have a specialty of killing rabbits (by accident of course) on roundabouts. Ask Andrew he will fill you in on all the details lol

I think other than millions of flies and parasites I have not killed any wildlife with the bike itself. I had a bird fly into my crashhelmet while hanging off the bike giving it large on the Nurburgring a few years back. Didn’t see it coming and was doing somewhere between 120 and 130. The bird hit the visor on the right hand side, the noise of the impact was incredible as was the jolting force. The impact was so hard that it ripped the pod of the side of the lid and broke the visor mechanism. It would appear that the bird must have then been sliced by the front fairing cradle as there was blood and fethaers all inside the fairing and over the tank etc. The poor chap behind me thought that the exhaust had exploded, heard the bang and then saw what he thought was wadding flying about. I had to tape up the visor for the rest of my weekend as I only had the one lid with me and no spares to fix the damage.