Attach this to a bike?|39%3A1|66%3A2|65%3A12|240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14

I’m after more mpg, I already get very good mpg but if i can get more it makes my life a lil easier…don’t know if this will work on my cb500 tho…an thoughts?

I don’t think it’ll work at all!!




Well the scientific theory is correct, u can split H20 to make hydrogen and oxygen and together with the addition of the spark from the engine would make a lot of power. I’m just questioning how you can make such a powerful electrical current from a bikes electrical system to split h20 in the first place…:unsure:

Akin to straddling a hydrogen bomb? Dunno if i’d like to do that.:w00t:

More a question of voltage. It would only take a couple of volts if that, I could give you a more exact number if I new what the “electrolyte” was, usually it would be a soluble salt or acid. Actually it is more a question of current, any voltage above what is required would just be wasted as heat, more current would increase the production of hydrogen and oxygen.

I very much doubt that this system could produce enough hydrogen and oxygen to make any difference. Added to the fact that hydrogen is extremely dangerous would make fitting this sort of kit to your vehicle a professional job that would require full testing to make sure that your vehicle doesn’t explode.

Additionally if you take a system with a fixed amount of energy, but cannot get more energy out without putting energy in. Laws of Thermodynamics.

So if you are using electrical energy to electrolyse water, then that is energy not being used to move the vehicle, and as electrical energy is derived from the motor turning an alternator, the more load you put on the alternator the more power is required to turn it thus reducing the efficiency.

As per Chunky’s post me thinks something smells a bit brown and sticky and it is not a stick.

pmsl :w00t::w00t::w00t: please do not put that on your bike well not if you love your bike as much as i love mine

as kevsta said this is the panacea of all energy equations…it we could find a way to electrolyse h20 into its constituent parts by using elss energy than can be produced by re-burning the oxygen and hydrogen released then we would have no more energy problems…there have been many many theories on how this can be done but so far not a single solution has managed to produce more energy than was put into splitting the water.

thats the first problem…

Second even if you do produce hydrogen and oxygen, what are you pumping into the engine and how…putting simple petrol in at the wrong rate causes an engine to misfire, imagine what would happen if you introduced neat oxygen and then hydrogen as well…bloody hell you would need the most complex system to manage the percentages…the stoichiometric constant for petrol engines is about 15:1…thats 15 parts air to one part of fuel, but at that rate you would burn a hole in your cylinder head…so most cars run at around 8 to 1…ie very inefficiently…the panacea of petrol engins is to run them at higher compression rations, and with very lean stoichiometric values…engines running at part throttle for isntance are incredibly inefficient…better to have a small engine running at full throttle than a big engine running on part throttle…i could go in TO IT BUT i WOULD BE HERE ALL DAY…

Finaly, another way to improve fuel efficiency that has been proven but still is not in widespread use is to get a water injection system then slowly but surely reduce your fuel jet sizes in the carbs until you have the leanest mixture that will run and not destroy your engine…they used this in aircraft and it really works…am amazed no one has put it onto cars today…the water means you can use much less fuel as it uses the water to cool the cylinder head, increase the compression ratios with reduced pre ignition, therefore gettingmore power or less fuel consumption…easy…or so it would seem, bet there is an ebay version somewhere…

There are two technologies that we will see more of on modern engines to meet stricter emissions regulations. One of the is becoming widespread on car engines and that is Direct Injection. This certainly has been the way forward on modern diesel engines, and is finding it’s way into petrol engines. The other as 2strokes has mentioned is water injection. It has the effect of increasing the octane rating of the air/fuel mixture, and also reduces NOx emissions.

Soon coming to a petrol station near you, over priced deionised water. :smiley:

hmm havent heard of any car manufacutrers releasing water injection yet…your rioght about it effectively allowing the engine to run a good deal leaner and therefore allowing higher compression rations and therefore more efficiency…

using a combination of managed ignition cycles, high compression engines with water injection along with fuel injection we could see engines moving from 15-10 % efficienct to running as high as 40% efficiency…

Using the hybrid system a small engine running at a single rev range charging the battery could be running as high as 50% efficiency…this will make up for any losses in the electricity generation and make it possible to achieve well over 100mpg and never have to charge your car seperately…technology is fast catching up and I think in 5 years we will all be running either hybrids with super efficient engines and electri motors or full electric vehicles run from fuel cells and or a mix of batteries and mini petrol generators that have no connection to the drive train and only charge the batteries…these vehicles could achieve well over 200mpg on a single gallon of petrol assuming 50% efficiency of the generator system…

great fun…

Hmmmm… worth having a look here :

yes agree if you buy most anything from the ebay that says it will save you money, or fuel costs then it is a scam…full stop…

with you on this one…think I made my point on that above, but perhaps not forcefully enough…

If this HHO thing worked, no-one would be bothering to develop fuel cells, and we could forget messing about with petrol.

Water injection works though … many drag racers use it.

Won’t see me putting any of that sh!t on my bike…

Good old fashioned Petrol works fine for me, and if i need to save fuel then i just turn down the loud switch a tad:D

On another note if i ever have a problem sleeping at night is it ok if i call either Kevsta or 2strokes to explain quantum physics…should have me off in a flash;)

I know a few people that use water injection on super charged/turbo’d road cars but on a normal road bike its pointless and more than likely a scam :slight_smile:

ooh now your talking, I absolutely love quantum physics and I kid you not…bought a book a while back on the topic, the a-z of Quantum Physics thinking it would do exactly the same as you thought, send me to sleep, but its bloody fascinating…couldnt put it down…what with up and down quarks and strange and charm and top and bottom…who thinks up these names…crazy man…just like the quarks are totally crazy…mind you they are part of what makes up the universe and are fundamental particles…just like the leptons are also fundamental as too are the carriers of the weak, electromagnetic and strong forces…shall I go on…

Ooooo ooooo, any chance of loan? I could talk about the current theories of gravity which are quite frankly mind blowing and very scary. Off all the the forces in the universe gravity is the weakest by an order of magnitude. And the reason for that is apparently that gravity is not native to our own dimensional universe, and is leaking from the 18th dimensi…

hmmmm, my audience seems to have collapse into a catatonic state. You can thank me when you wake up. :wink: