Are all Ferrari drivers like this?

I came up to a Ferrari today who was doing 70 in the fast lane so I flashed him and he did nothing. The road opened up and I went to undertake and then he nailed it. Shortly after he moved over and then when I drew level he nailed it again.I guess he didn’t want to be passed or were we playing? Anyway I think if someone wants to pass you and there is no traffic you should just move over. Oh yes I was in the Volvo not on the CBR or I would wouldn’t have bothered flashing I’d have filtered past.

Was he a middle aged /old git? They are the worst at this:w00t:

Looked like it. His girlfriend (could have been his daughter) was nice looking.

I didn’t want a race I just wanted to continue at crusing speed.

People hate it when I pass them on my banger 125cc. Especially sports cars and Land Rovers. Have had a few middle ages wealthy houswives nearly take me out in Highgate because they didn’t like being filtered past!

Whenever I go out for a pottle in my RahRi I just wear a gold lamay thong and nipple tassels. The flesh sticks to the leather seat a little but it feels quite liberating.

We thought it was you we saw at the Oakdene the other day but the tassels must have fallen off:D:D

when i first passed my driving test i pulled up to the lights, on the A40, next to this youngish guy and his girlfriend in his ferrari. I had a car full of mates and for or some reason i thought it was a funny idea to start revving my engine like i was going to race him! i got a few laughs from my mates and even the guy in the ferrari, then the lights went green i bolted forward to give the impression i was racing but then stopped acclerating. Anyway this guy must have been taken over by his ego and he absolutley tore it past me and the waiting speed camara!!! we couldnt stop laughing when we saw him get flashed!

hahaha brilliant! :smiley:

OK, I’m gonna get flamed for this, but you were at cruising speed… so wot’s the problem? (ducks)

#He was holding me up and there was a clear road ahead. It’s just a courtesy I guess. I’m assuming he was not a member of the police qualified to uphold the law.

and no it wasn’t me:w00t:

Small penis syndrome :P:P

fooook why dont they play when i find them, yes he wanted to play

na dont worry im sure i will get the flames wonders where this fast lane exists ?70 mph … oh so @ nsl then you went for an undertake !!! and you have the gall to complain about lane hogging … i know what i would rather witness happening .So tell me are all volvo drivers like this ?

Yeah to be fair you probably shouldnt have gone for the undertake. Ramming him would have been a much better idea. Volvos are indestructible!! :smiley:

Boxy…but safe! (<—my favourite movie quote :slight_smile:

Was he a middle aged /old git? They are the worst at this

Just for the record, it wasn’t me. I’ve never held up anyone while driving a Ferrari. Or Mrs. O’s crummy Saxo chav car.

Well, I did accidently get in the way of a police car following a friend on his Ducati a few years back, but that doesn’t count.

If the middle lane is empty and someone is plodding along in the fast lane I won’t wait indefinitely for them to move over. Same as I’ll undertake middle lane man if I’m doing 70 in the slow lane and the motorway is empty. Feel free to start your own “holier than thou” thread if that’s what you’d rather discuss.

Tim loves a good ‘holier than thou’ thread! :smiley:
