Anti-Glare coating?


A while ago some form of white coating came off my visor… (i made a thread about it)

But now, i think due to this i get really really bad glare from on coming headlights, even when my visor is dry, but its too bad then its wet to the point i have to ride with my visor up.

60mph, fine rain, open visor… Not nice as you can imagine.

Are there any good, if any and Glare coats/sprays for visors i can buy.
Either that or 40 quid for a new one.


Was it from the inside or outside?


What brand helmet you got?

Might be worth getting a new visor for it.

If you havent already, get a pinlock one. I wouldnt be without my visor double glazing at this time of year!

Then it’s probably an anti fog coating. Either replace the visor or add a pinlock. Schubert helmet by any chance?