Another great biker site

Just discovered this new beauty, similar yet different, but still a bike website, defo worth checking out I thought the site was very nice, what do you guys think?


anything to do with this site by any chance!?

Nope, but wouldnt mind getting filmed by em

Having looked at the home page, what is the full story of the marked Police car crash ?

Not impressed.

Well judging by the all the z’s instead of s’s, I’d say it’s being run by a 13 year old wannabe.



This is not a personal attack, I’ve been a web designer for 5 years and am more than qualified to pass judgement on this and any other website.

///Diclaimer ends///

Sorry mate but this site IMO is pants.


  1. They have a landing page, why would I want to look at that everytime I come to the site

  2. Anything that uses a “Mickey Mouse” font like that will always get a thumbs down

  3. There’s a picture of a crashed Police car on the homepage

  4. There’s a picture of a guy dressed as Spiderman flipping the bird on the homepage.

  5. When an image is used as a navigation element it is usually wise to crop it down from 2048 x 1536 pixels (1.5 MB) down to a more manable size.

It’s amateurish and looks like it hasn’t been designed.

Unlike LB which is the best looking bike community site I’ve found, so far.


Walt will be tossing in his grave did I just say that

Jolyon - I tend to agree… been doing this (new media, interactive stuff) for the BBC and UBC for over 7 years now and it is a little naff… but we all have to start somewhere…!

1st post being about a website though… stinks of placement! :wink:

That font is actually copyright Disney anyway - and they’re a bit protective of it - I would expect a cease and desist any day now.


Jolyon, Can’t say that I think your points there are entirely valid (3,4 certainly … what do they have to do with being a web designer) … Does eveything have to follow a convention before it can be put on the web? … It looks alright to me … just someone having some fun! … don’t get me wrong, I’m not deserting LB!

Wouldn’t happen to be your own site, by any chance?

from [email protected]: Welcome to 2WW Jay. Yes sadly there are people like that even in the biking world, pay no mind, looking at his bike its understandable, it reflects his personality, bland and boring!! Whats he on about landing page, whats he do at the airport refuse to go on the runway… LOL. If he’s so good wheres his bike website??? The kinda guy that has never had his knee down and hates loud pipes!! We didnt create 2WW with arseholes in mind!! Any way, enough about Victor Meldrew! We shall be filming at our regular location in 2 weeks time and you are more than welcome to come along and strut your stuff for us, keep an eye on our forum for the date. I have just recieved and email from the northern stunt crew and will also be arranging a mass meet up at the ace in the not to distant future for a HUGE stunt fest, maybe Victor could come NOT. Londonbikers will be covering some of our events so look forward to a great summer. many thax 2WW.

Hey all, give the guy a break Not every site has a dedicated professional development team behind it. I think some of the pictures are cool personally! Though do behave R1Luva, there’s a way to address people here!

hey hey - where do you get off on coming to the site and calling existing users arseholes?

You asked for peoples opinion and they told you the website was not great without resorting to name calling.

Do you think you could just manage to do the same???

Uh oh !

I dont want to jump on anybody elses work, but the site does break every rule in the web design book, Jolyon is not only right but being slightly charitable. Using silly fonts is a total numpty move, using the Disney one is priceless, change it soon or risk being further ridiculed - before the lawyer’s desist letter arrives.

[Borderline] Spamming of forums like MrUnsaleableMotorbikeKit also did here recently is not a good move either . . .

For web design help, there is a lot of good advice out there, is very good, try

Uh oh ideed! … design rules have been broken and the site does not pass scrutineering … lock wire is missing off your links page … WTF? … break them rules! … it works for me!!

No worries, your opinion, enjoy the site.

The “uh oh” I used was actually at the comments that I quoted, not the actual website - my thoughts on the website have already been made.

Wasn’t having a dig at you Trojan, just keeping my reply topical, whilst expressing an opinion on the harsh judging of fellow bikers sites … I did it badly I guess.


No problems mate, Apologies, I prob read your post wrong in the first place.