And then....

And then God created Saturn…and he liked it, so he put a ring on it.

Kato… are u high? :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

i wish! wheres kevsta when you need him?

HA HA HA somewhere over the rainbow :stuck_out_tongue:

Hahaha good one.

ha.ha. :blink: :ermm:

Do u not know how to laugh? :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: Having some trouble there? :stuck_out_tongue: :cool:

no trouble here… move along please :stuck_out_tongue:

i think kevsta made it to him before me

nope… its permanent :w00t:

so thats how good his drugs are :slight_smile:

ahh wrong room didnt mean to walk into the looney bin quickly runs away from the greek

:smiley: leave the poor Greek alone, its not his fault :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:
Im so gonna get it at BMM tonight… ooops :stuck_out_tongue:

MUAHAHHAHA!! :blink: :smiley:

see you at 8

will be gone by then mate… need to head of round 7 max

woohoo!!! see you next time fella

snigger :doze::hehe::crazy::laugh: