As I was riding into work along the A24/A240 at about 8:15am this morning I saw a red (VFR - at a guess) coming the other way. He then promptly pulled the longest wheelie passed me.
I have to say thank you very much to that rider. You made a cr*p morning turn into something much better.
I wonder if it was an LBer?..
10 November 2006 11:55
lol, what do ya do, stand on the back seat and lever the front of the bike up
Sadly it wasn’t you Charly, I know your wheelies - much better than the chappie this morning.
I am allways amazed at some of the wheelies pulled early in the morning, especially when its cold wet and slippery. respect to those with the balls.
10 November 2006 12:15
Wasn’t a red VTR firestorm with yellow wheels was it?
No way, was that you this morning? Nutter!
10 November 2006 12:31
Well I was in that neck of the woods about that time, doubt it was me though, my wheelies are pretty sh!te lol
10 November 2006 12:36
She never said it was good!
10 November 2006 15:14
OK I’ve given this a lot of thought today… If it looked really cool… then it was me… if it was pants then it was nothing to do with me lol
OK, because said biker made me feel better today, I will return the favour.
It was a most excellent wheelie and therefore it must have been you.
10 November 2006 17:22
adrenaline in the morrning rules!!
6am the roads a clear…
you cant help it.
i feel robbed if i cant get it up on the way to work
Maybe you can teach me one day?
I feel left out that I can’t do a proper wheelie
11 November 2006 14:25
I wouldnt recomend learning to do wheelie’s, coz once you start…
you will be riding around on one wheel everywere…
leading to knakered head bearings and convictions for driving without due care and attention…
wheelies are like pringles once you pop you can’t (wont) stop
I love to get it up in the morning makes me feel alive
That confirms it - it’s definitely a Willy thing!
14 November 2006 14:27
14 November 2006 14:33
Bit like when a friend of mine Terry Calcott wheelied passed me at 130 plus on a dual carriage way I thought he was good, then he broke the record twice for the fastest wheelie over a specific distance. That bloke knows how too wheelie!