I have a week off this week and have been doing a bit of planning for my up and coming trip to the alps, plotting routes and reading the guide books on and finding things to keep the missus happy with!I decided to have a look on you tube looking at the mountain passes that myself and the lady friend be riding through the alps… we’re staying in Andermatt which is surrounded by the susten, furka, grimsel and oberalp passes! To say I cant wait is an understatement!!!
Thought I’d show two vids… notice the particularly interesting vehicle coming past the bike on the opposite side of the road on the susten pass at about 3mins!
Have a great time, looked like a people carrier around 3 min, hardly interesting!:DThose roads look good but well surfaced and not too bendy:)
Were off to the Alps on Friday in search of gravel and hairpin bends covered in wall to wall cow ****! Were staying on the French side as we know which side our croissant is buttered.;)This is what we’re expecting, maybe a little less snow, but not much: http://www.sergemotos.fr/articles.php?lng=fr&pg=228