Ali - Contribution thread

As you know from previous threads, we bought flowers for Ali’s funeral. Several people have said they’d like to contribute to the flowers, as well as any other, more permanent memorial.

At the moment, several plans are being discussed with his friends, who will present the more appropriate ones to the family at a later date for their approval and permission.

Should you wish to contribute, you can do so by either cash, cheque or Paypal. There is no set amount, people are free to contribute whatever they want and can, or not contribute if they are at the moment unable to do so.

If you’d like to contribute by cheque or Paypal, please PM me for details giving me your preferred method (for obvious reasons, I will not make these details public). If you’d prefer cash, I’ll be at Waterloo next Wednesday. I will not be able to make it to the Ace this weekend, though. The next time I’ll be in circulation will be again at Waterloo, Wednesday 19th (after Easter), then it’s the long-awaited St George’s Run on Sunday, 23rd. Please note that my account does not take card transactions, and even if it did, as these incur a fee, I feel it would be better for those without a PayPal account to either send me a cheque or to donate cash instead.

For your peace of mind, please note that any contributions will be logged for audit purposes. I will not be posting any names, as I’d rather keep this anonymous, but the Admin team will be given a breakdown.

Great inniciative Paivi! Thank you for your trouble.

I’ll see you on the St Georges Day ride P.

Very good idea, what are the thoughts of a perminate memorial as yet?

There are several things being considered by various people at the moment, and they will be presented to the family at a more appropriate time for them to have a final say.

Great initiative Paivi, count me in! I will give you cash at Waterloo on the 19th.

Thank you for time and effort count me in I will see you next Wendesday.

If you have a PayPal account, you can make your contribution to [email protected]

If you don’t, I’d rather receive either cash or a cheque, as card payments to PayPal incur a fee, and I’d rather all monies received go towards a memorial for Ali rather than to PayPal, especially as the fees are quite large.

If you can’t make it to any of the meets but would still like to donate, please PM me for an address to send a cheque.

Unfortunately, I won’t be able to come to the Ace tonight, but I’ve asked Andrew if he will, in which case you can give your donations and he can then paypal them to the account. If Andrew’s not around today, perhaps Jay could do the honours tonight?

Nice one Paivi … I’d love to contribute! See you at Waterloo on the 19th.

I’ll see you on Wed Paivi…