
I think that not everyone is checking that forum…

you got any pictures of the ninja you can e-mail me at [email protected]

I am thinking of buying a 2nd bike to leave at my parents place in Aberdeen.

only thinking mind you!!! still got to convince the ball and chain its a better idea having one here rather than riding my VFR up(600 miles) and her and the kids on easyjet!!

To her its more money being spent

No way man your not gonna be around for the summer fun Rottie! We will have no entertainment!

You can find the pics and more description there:

Are you threatning to leave us Rott??

Nah, I’m afraid you’re not that lucky. I’ll be back, just going for a long holiday. I’ll let you know more details later coz there is still few things I have to sort out before.

so is this more than your usual “disapearing” job??