Apologies if someone’s mentioned it before, but it appears that the Department of Transport are having a study/trial into allowing bikes to use the advanced stop lines at traffic lights, currently only available to pedal cycles…
You would be very unfortunate to find someone who actually cared enough to give you a ticket. Most people in Central London are just grateful if you make some kind of effort to stop at a red light, regardless of where the stop line is:D
It would be nice to have the option without facing a penalty, but often I’d rather stay out the green box. That way the cyclists are in front of you and you get a better view of just what the unpredictable buggers are going to do without being amongst them.
It’s good to see a potentially common-sense move for a change. Slightly worried that the example road marking layouts they show would seem to allow motobikes to use the ‘gutter’ approach to the box on the left hand side of the traffic. IMO it would be better if we were only allowed to approach the box by overtaking/filtering past traffic on the right. That way there would be less of a risk of unwanted motorbike/pushbike interfaces :).