Trying out my new camera and while learning to take proper snaps I done these!
Great pics mate! you could be a David Bailey in the making!
Good stuff mate! For the moving bike pics you need to see if there’s a sport mode you can use, and pan with the bike, get a focus, then fire the shutter. This should in theory keep the bike in focus and the background blurred, like the pro’s do
Nice pics, so you design web pages … ?
nice pics, weathers looked a bit nasty!!
it was a bit wet!!! good shots though!!
Thanks Jay…I was going to ask if you could run me through some basics when I next see you as this is a new camera to me…only got it last night! lol
I’ve got a Nikon D2H…
lovely pics and camera babe
There some pretty good pics mate, nice one!
did u only take pics of chavs doing wheelies on there hair dryers.
shouldn`t av said that i was 1 not that long ago doing the same on me runner172 big bore.
Still good pics m8 keep up the good work
Good shots, scary lack of any protective gear for those wet conditions, but hey that’s their choice right!
I will however say don’t encourage Jay. Everyone knows that Canon is the Pro photographers choice…if you egg Jay on with pics of an expensive Nikon, he’ll only get worse
lol…well I need someone to show me how to use it, otherwise its just an expensive bit of kit sitting here!
Yeh, well Ginger and I were taking odds on a fall off - before we left there was only one. I was still taking shots while he went over to help the chap…lol Oh well - he was a silly plonker for wheeling too far (especially in the wet).
Jay will hate you now… yours is bigger then his