Aaaaaarrgghh, Major Frustration

Has anyone else got the Samsung H1, and thrown it out of a closed window??
I’m not a complete idiot with technology, and yet, I feel the need to break the damn thing, violently!!

I am registered with Vodafone 360, I cant get my email on it, It takes half an hour to add a contact, and forget trying to reply quickly to a text!!
Oh, and useless Vodafone shite non helping bastids are getting a shame thread. :smiley:

HAVe you set your email servers?

I switched it on, registered my account details, it connected and collected my emails.
Today it wont collect any, it says : ERROR, CANNOT SYNC FOLDERS

I turned it off, then on, i deleted the accounts (all of them), started again, everything else is working (facebook account, 360 etc), but email gets the error message

Try updating the firmware. Sony release phones that barely work until they fix the firmware, maybe Samsung have too.

I’ve turned the oven on… wanna see it suffer …Mwahahahahaha

Life used to be so simple :smiley:

Please don’t tell me your going to cook it? :frowning:

accidentally drop in the toilet and then get a blackberry

Mel you’ve seriously lost the plot:w00t:

Have a bit of patience, and wait until January, and then upgrade it for an iPhone

This phone was the start of a 2 year contract, it started on saturday. I might buy an iphone though anyway if I cant get the stooopid thing working as its supposed to…

Have a look on some forums and see if they have an answer. Phone forums I mean :smiley:

Usually if one person is having problems, they all are.

If you only got it on Saturday, take it back to the shop and exchange it for something that works, as it not fit for purpose

Good point. :smiley:

No please do :w00t: dont forget to put the video up on here :D:hehe:

I wouldn’t be surprised if they said that checking your email was not the purpose of the phone, rather making calls is. Hopefully they won’t say that, but…

Take it back to the shop and get an iPhone.

If you want user friendliness, that’s the phone to own, and this is coming from an Apple hater :hehe: