A13>A12 interchange heading north.

Does anyone use this interchange by the Blackwall tunnel on a regular basis?

If you do can you let me know, it is important.

Near the isle of dogs?? use it most times i come back from the ace

yer i use it a far bit why whats up!

I go passed it if I commute to work on the bike. Normally go via the A13 and head down the essex stretch to the City.

Yeah,used to live a stone throw away in flats overlooking tunnel.
Always accidents there,in tunnel or the a13 above it.
Mate of mines cousin & friends lost their lives coming out of tunnel towards greenwich in a car and hit a pillar.
Lots of diesel in tunnel and just outside it.

as you go from the A13 onto the A12 north has anyone noticed the manhole cover thats below the level of the road in the right hand lane about 1.5 metres out from the guard rail?

Week ago on monday I hit this manhole cover, its about 2inchs below the level of the road which caused a tank slapper, a crash and 3 broken ribs.

Just trying to find people who know of this hazard as I will be sueing the local council. All I will need is a few people who can verify this hazard has been there for some time, according to a couple of people I have spoken to this manhole cover has been like it for over a year.

Sometimes commuted along a13 essex into london or cut through city airport & docklands so have not seen it myself.
Aint worked in london for 18months now.
Would take a few digi pics to help your case against tower hamlets council or newham.
Good luck anyway.

Bloody hell Guy! Rotten luck mate Sorry you’re all busted up, hope the bike’s not too bad? Good luck with claiming from the Council, there’s no excuse for that. Best of luck getting well, that’s from Foxy and I.

Cheers Jay.

It’s only 3 ribs and I didn’t realise for a week. Bikes already fixed, was only the work bike.

I’d have thought we could rustle up a couple of riders who have seen that hole for weeks now.

Can’t we?

i got a flat down the rd from their ( bow rd) i would be happy to assist you in anyway i can mate i seen everything you want me to see

Sorry to hear about the crash Sickpup, every manhole in Ealing is like that so I kind of know the hazards of them.

sorry mate to hear about this dont know of the manhole thingy tbh!

Sorry to hear about your accident, Sickpup. I’ve reported a few manhole covers etc in the City, and the nice people at the Corporation told me that the particular roads (mainly Upper & Lower Thames St) I referred to were the responsibility of Transport for London. Apparently, most of the major roads are. Check with them if this is the case here, too.

Sickpup … that’s a sh!tty thing to have happened … sorry to hear it! … glad you’re okay!!

Highways must be inspected at regular intervals by the local authority (council or perhaps TFL). This interval is determined by the classification of that road. For instance, A roads are inspected more often than B roads. In order to make a claim, you need to prove negligence, ie. that the road hasn’t been inspected at the required interval, or it has but nothing has been done about it. Ask the local authority what that interval is and when it was last inspected. They will have to give you this info. If the manhole cover isn’t a sewer cover, it may be someone elses responsibility (a BT cover is BT’s responsibility, a waterboard cover is the Waterboard’s etc), but the local authority will pass on the claim to the appropriate body.

Many solicitors will take on a claim like this on a “no win, no fee” basis, so that may be worth enquiring about.

Get out there and take a photo if you can!

Good luck!!! … from an ex local authority employee (Highways Dept)

Thing about this manhole cover is it’s not collapsed. The asphalt appears to have been laid to high around it so so its a case of a negligent sign off on the work.

Hi there

Someone contacted me last night and as I believed the manhole cover has been in its present condition for in excess of 18 months A non independant witness, one of my old riders from when I controlled at Lewis Day east puts the time at in excess of 3 years.

I have photos already so thats not a problem.

TFL have been contacted and a claim will be entered shortly.