A really sad state of affairs

GSXRAng (08/09/2007)

It was sticker on my bike if you would like to know. I don’t know if i have done something wrong to you Barry if yes i’m sorry for that, but as my friend who you called “Mr Pea Brain” said we were in hurry to be on time at the meeting for the Breast Cancer event. We were all day riding in a big group and i don’t think that people who were in front of us or behind us can’t complain on our riding skills. As for myself you can ask Bussa 55 who was in front of me and behind for almost all the time.

BTW.next time just try to track this someone to who you’ve got a problem and try to sort it out in private but not insult people on the sites of this forum.

Thx for listening and Peace mate.

LOL :hehe::hehe:

And now a word from our sponsors:

Kalms…does your moped annoy other people? Do you ride your crotch rocket without consideration? Have you ever driven near a BMW of any description at all and survived…? If you can answer yes to any of these questions…then you need Kalms. Proven on plenty of babies, it works for adults too.


Easy now. We all use two wheels. All of us. Big guys should show respect for little guys cos if you’re riding a big bike you already KNOW you can go faster, so why are you feeling insecure about little bikes? Little bikes should show respect for big bikes, because they CAN and WILL beat you if you push them. Where’s the harm in admitting that and showing some courtesy?

Why does everyone have such a security complex in this town about each other … for god’s sake you lot GROW UP! There is NO prize for getting to the lights first!

Measure the length of your John Thomas elsewhere…the roads are too bl00dy dangerous as it is for that sort of pointless, childish stupidity. Christ, anyone would think you were all 5 years old, in the school sandpit and fighting over whose got the biggest Action Man Gun accessory.



Group Hug!? :satisfied:

wtf toby the prize is being firstest and bestest!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

dont you know that competition is ingrained, almost hard wired into our Psyches from a very early age?

and although the banner of co-operation is waved ocaionaly its only used for a mutual gain i.e winning…

win win win!!!

and lets face it in a city this crowed many people revel in little one upmanships…

ermmmm this is getting way to deep for a bike forum…


Fight! Fight! Fight! :smiley:

I would like to appologise for upsetting anyone in the past and appologise now for anyone I upset in the future (which I am sure I will):smiley:

P.S. Scooters and road bikes suck…supermoto rules:D

i second that even tho i havent got one there so dreamy only a matter of time any one no where i can book my theroy wont be long now pay day soon and dose anyone teach rideing lessons in essex on here so i get LB discount

Now that all parties are aware of who is who, could you keep the bickering to PMs instead of in the public domain?

I love a bit of competition and have had some serious fun with bikes and scoots (they are a bit lighter than my 140Kg beastie after all). I do get pissed off with the way some riders jink through the traffic too, carving me up and cars {forcing them to swerve, sometimes into my path} although the scoots seem to be in the majority, bikes are by no means completely innocent. Having said that, I’ve been commuting in London for 17 years now and believe myself to be quick and safe. That may not be the opinion of those I’m passing though.

It’s a live and let live world (or should be at least), so come on guys, if you’ve made a booboo, put your hand up and acknowledge it, if you’ve had an apology be gracious and accept it.

Life’s too short. Have your rant(s) and be done with it.

Well said :cool:

140kg??? That ZX1200?? I think it’s time you held you hand up to that bobo! :smiley:

Putting the personal disagrements aside, there’s an interesting general point here to do with how you interact with other riders.

Personally, if there’s another rider at the lights ahead of me, then I generally pull up alongside, but a bit behind, them. If it’s someone I know, or if it’s a really crowded junction then I’ll pull up next to them, but otherwise I think it’s politer and safer for both of us if I acknowledge the fact that they were there first and they should be able to set off first.

If they then set off and are going slower than I want to go, I’ll overtake them a little way down the road. No hardship to me, and it means I’m not cutting off their ground when they’re trying to set off from the lights (which can be dangerous to both of us, as well as being unneccesarily rude imho).

However, I’m beginning to wonder whether I’m being a bit TOO considerate, since there’s a growing number of other riders who insist on pulling up half a bike length ahead of me at junctions (when I’m there first, and am pulled up on the white line with nothing in front of me), and then driving away at a quite sedate pace, so I overtake them and then we come to the next set of lights and the whole thing starts again, and again, and again.

125Kg bone dry, 140Kg ‘wet’ on the ZRX1200S. It’s big and heavy, but you can have a play on it Stu and I’ll bet you think it’s more nimble than your SV.

That hacks me off as well. Have taken to riding behind them to the next set of lights, waiting for them to stop and then pulling in front of them. The clincher is then to turn around, raise my visor and give them the “it’s a pretty sh*tty thing to do is’nt it” look.

It’s easy, i ride at my pace on my line, which I make very clear.

If someone cuts into and is going slower and causes me to react or brake, they’ll find out what I think of that. If they’re not doing me any harm, even if their actions appear rude, they can go on their way. Where’t he harm in ignoring stupid, petty-minded morons?

See the mark of maturity is knowing you’ve got the power but having the sense to use it when it makes sense, not to prove to some mindless mannerless 12 year old twerp on his scoot or his Naked muscle bike or even his sports bike that you’re better.

My bike, a hell of a handful ZX9R, will pretty much B!TCHslap most bikes on the road, so what do I need to go prove to these little ankle biters. I’ve already won the comeptition. I’m first, yeah me…got it. Competition’s over. I WON! :smiley:

'sides, they set off the speed traps for me in the city - double pl,us bonus fo rme. Winner and rich, bet that makes you competitive little tarts even more grumpy and competitive…you’re STILL LOSERS though, so what do I care



londonrz, I like your style :cool:

My conscience is getting the better of me!
So in a complete about-face and to prove I’m only human:

I stop at the stop line, not in the box with a bicycle in it, at the Wandsworth roundabout between lanes 1 & 2. A bloke on a pushy swings in from the bus lane and stops right in front of me.
So I shout “Oi mate, move over a bit”.
He looks round and gives me the finger.
I shout “Move over a bit, I’m a bit quicker off the line than you are!”
He shakes his head and makes an up and down hand sign.

The lights change.

I knock it into first, slip the clutch, cover the brakes and open the throttle to the stop.

You should have seen his wee legs pumping like a set of pistons, trying to get out of the way of a 1200 with a loud can, on the rev limiter!

Laugh? Oh just a little. :D:cool:



Still think you’re wrong - your bike is 225kg dry - unless you’ve made some serious weight loss!! It’s not a 125cc racing bike!:wink:

Now fess up, and apologise to all those poor misguided fools, who are now rushing out to buy the lightweight heavyweight of the year!!:stuck_out_tongue:

You down BMM tonite?:smiley:

Eric, some days I hate you! :stuck_out_tongue:

You are of course completely correct and I am a muppet!