A pool of oil under the bike isn't good right?

Damn damn and triple damn. Warming up the ol’girl before heading to Brighton on LB business I closed the garage door, slung on the helmet and strode to the purring beast. Then noticed the oil running out from the front sprocket area.

You know when you are all packed, dressed, lagged, closed up and ready to go? Then have to undo all of that to go back indoors. Almost as annoying as the mechanical problem.

sorry for you thats a right downer hope you get it sorted soon with not to price:w00t:

Doh! That put’s a spanner in the works for a trip to Brighton ;[

Isn’t that normal for Triumphs? :smiley:

haha :-/

but not for kawasakis :frowning:

I thought you had a trumpet!!

I have both and now neither work :-s

Oh dear :frowning:

Should have bought a HONDA then :D:D:D

He can keep his fingers of fate away from my bike! :crazy: :hehe:

Have you had a butchers at it yet Andrew?

I only ask coz I had a similar problem - oil leaking from near the front sprocket and when I took the cover off, it turned out to be full of gunk that was dripping as it heated up - just a thought :wink:

Clutch pushrod oil seal leaking?

And here’s me thinking 7 is a lucky number…

That won’t be in the front sprocket area…Have you got a Scott oiler thing on it? If so it can be built up cr4p from that,if you don’t do big miles junk it…:slight_smile:

The pushrod (pushed in by the slave piston on a hydraulic clutch) is right next to the front sprocket. It has a seal which can leak oil into the front sprocket area.

yup thats what i told him on the phone…

good call :slight_smile:

Ahh…forgot I wasn’t talking about my own bikes:)

Ninjajunkie punches air with fist exclaiming yessss! ;):smiley:

I have the same issue, on my bike, seems to drip most of teh time, sometimes heavy sometimes not so much, no idea if it is realated to riding, how hard… I am also thinking it could be the engine seal, the one underneath

Haven’t got the clutch thingamy-bob off yet to have a look, but I don’t remember any seal being present. Certainly there was no gasket, should there be?