A few pics from Brands yesterday

Jay’ll be along with a few galleries no doubt, but thought I’d sneak a few on for those who can’t wait.

It was a top weekend, and despite the weather doing it’s best to spoil the show on Sunday (resulting in one of the Supersport races being cancelled) it was still the place to be. I won’t say who won the championship in case you haven’t watched it yet. The Supersport race that did go ahead (ran 2 to make up for Mondello Park) was perhaps the best race I’ve seen this year, with Laverty and Crutchlow going hammer and tongs all race. I caught them going around Surtees together.

And we were treated to John Hopkins riding (slowly as it was damp) the Rizla GP bike around - the last time we’ll see a 990cc GP bike in this country for a while I think. And it sounded superb esp around the back of the circuit in the woods. Much louder than they seemed at Donnington. Oh yes.







Mate they are wicked! You should sell them or put yourself out for some freelance photography work! Top class.

Check Haslam out looking into the camera (seemingly) as he rounds the bend… class.

Great racing yesterday, even with the golfball sized hail.

here’s a couple of mine taken on the worst camera phone ever.

though this is my favourite:

hehe very, erm, surreal. In a Dahli sort of way

I had to call an old priest and a young priest to sort out the crazy in the bottom right of the shot.

i thought it was your mum mate…aaahhh bless

Top notch pics. I was too busy hiding under my brolly with my 5 year old boy dodging hail stones to take any myself!!

Awesome pics Andrew…love the second one !! look at those angles !! Cor i wish !!!

wow, pukka photos.

it was clearly not as good on the telly


Wow…Great piccy’s… What a weekend… John Hopkins bike sounded awsome, there are rumours that the British GP might be held at Brands next year… Fingers crossed…

That would be a result. I hate Donnington. 2 years ago it took me 4 hours to get out, and that was on 2 wheels. That’s why i didn’t go to the last one.

Yes well it took 3 hrs to get out of the main car park on Sunday, so clearly Brands isn’t a whole lot better…

The GP bike sounded awesome around the back of circuit in all the trees. They really hemmed in the noise. Man o Man I tried to imagine what lap 1 would sound like should the GPs run there, but I reached sensory overload

I remeber hearing the sound of Wayne Raineys GP500 bike when I was a kid! Made me ears bleed! More of a high piched scream!