2 Questions please

  1. Can a bike that only has rear indicators pass an MOT?

  2. Whats the best way to cut into plastic bodywork to make holes that aren’t actually round shaped (I know I know).


no it will not pass mot,
if all 4 are on they must work
but if you take them all off it will pass
have 2 will fail mot,

drilling plastic or fairings,
use a very sharp drill bit and 1st apply some duct tape were u are drilling ,that will stop paint cracking or spliting,
use a new bit tho

Yup, what Glenn said. Except:

Duct tape can pull off paint. I’d use masking tape and mark up the wanted shape first.

Assuming you don’t have core drills (what silly bu88er except me does?) stitch drill out the shape first. (Stitch drilling = lots of small holes as close together as you can get them.*) Use a needle file to join them up and then finish off the edges with a suitable file(s).

Or you could whack a decent hole in to start with and use a rotary file in a power dril to cut/grind away the rest of the stuff.

(* Sorry if you already knew what stitch drilling was.)

If its a developed shape its an idea to make a template from stiff card first, cover the area in masking tape then trace the shape onto the plastic. Drill a start hole and use a Dremmel with ideally a carbide cutting bit.

Blimey. That’s posh.

Got to go with that though. If you have a Dremel or equal, now is the time to find it can be handy. Just make sure you have the right cutter bit before you start.

if u take all indicators / lights off ull probs get a daytime mot

Thanks everyone. Bloody knowledgable lot you are too.

Chunky, I have a Dremel, but which one is the Carbide bit. Also, do you know any shop that sells Dremel bits?

Cheers guys.

It’s the really really hard one. :smiley:

The one in a mini white vest packaging? :wink:

I’ve got one you can borrow or you can get one from bigger B&Q stores;)

Just take the 2 indicators off, they can’t fail it if they’re not fitted. They can only fail it if they’re fitted and don’t work. In your case, it would fail because they have to be fitted, front and rear “if fitted” so just remove them altogether, then get them sorted at your leisure, rather than trying to rush cutting the holes.