+15bhp anyone?

I came across this when looking for a cheap power commander on ebay: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/15BHP-Power-Mod-Chip-Kawasaki-ZZR-ZXR-Ninja-Yamaha-R1_W0QQitemZ350025020138QQihZ022QQcategoryZ35231QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Whats your thoughts? wouldnt this be ‘bad’ for the bike?




what a pile of to$$. simple as that.

Its funny because in the past year he got 3888 positive feedback from people saying it worked well, and 125 negs/neutrals. I think people believe it works and ‘imagine’ the increase:D By the way the mod is said to work I can image some increase like changing your air filter but +15!!!

They are complete boll*x, most of them are just a resistor that you can buy from Maplin for 5p for 10 which fools the ECU into thinking the coolant temp or air temp is lower than it really is, waste of time and can cost you money if the ECU is fooled long term and makes it run too rich, can make less power and increase wear.

Yeah, from what we learned at MErton, its all very well fooling the ECU, but if your parts aren’t designed to handle the increased pressures, stresses and heat you pay £10 for this, and about £2000 for the new engine… sounds like a REAL bargain!

If it worked, why would anyone bother buying after-market exhausts, filters, power commanders and having their ECUs remapped?!

If I buy two will I get 30 brake? :smiley:

This might come in use if anyone has purchased one of these ‘amazing’ products! :smiley:
